Nazwa projektu:

Panel szkoleń

Panel szkoleń

This Project allowed me to upgrade my MySQL skills significantly and learn bunch of useful things.

The Induction Panel allows an employer to assign an employee or a contractor a set of courses and tests to perform. Each inductee can complete them at his own convenient time. After successful completion a Certificate can be printed out. Each Certificate is by default valid for a period of twelve months.


  • Two panels: Admin and User (different panels can be added if requested)
  • Each course can be delivered in a format of online Screens or a PDF file
  • A test can be set for each course
  • Many courses can be groupped under a Program and thus assigned to the User with one click only
  • Auto-reminders (via email) for assigned contractors who haven't yet started a course (after 14 days)
  • Expiring Certificate email auto-reminder (2 weeks prior expiration date)
  • jQuery search populating a query on the fly
  • Reports exported in .csv format

Main View, listing all the Inductees and their status (not started, in progress or completed). The X in front of the name indicates the Induction is already past due. Cron Job's script checks every day's date against expriring inductions and auto sends emails one day before due date. Another Cron checks if the course has been started and if the status still flash as "not started" after 14 days, an auto email is being sent to the User
New Users, not assigned yet to any Course / Program
Adding a new course
Upload a PDF ( or Screens ) if they were selected. For screen, scroll down
Now, since to PDF file is alredy uploaded, proceed to manage the Test
Course with updated requirements - Test and a PDF file
Assigning multiple courses to a Program while creating it
Quick edition
Other means of delivering the Course, apart from a PDF file, are the Screens, in a form of slides
They can be added/edited with a regular WYSIWYG with built-in Library for Media files
Assigning the Inductee to Courses and/or Programs
Scroll to Top Previous Project: Web Traffic Service, a company specializing in online marketing. Next Project: Ritz-Carlton Residences at L.A. LIVE - Broker Tool
Wordpress I've lately been using:
  • Wordpress
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • jQuery

Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 26+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.