Title of the Project:

Order Manager

Order Manager

An online panel (Order Manager) for a local repair man. The Panel helps him track and manage all orders coming his way.

Based on the engine I had programmed for this very client a year before, the client asked me to program yet another panel for him, this time for all the stock he sells (Order Manager). The new panel needed to feature additional mechanisms devoted specifically to the nature of the business,

So it features

  • marking orders as paid / delivered with just one click (based on Ajax)
  • sending reminders about payments based on a dynamic template which can be edited by the client and includes a pre-defined elements like Invoice Number, Client Name, Invoice Date, Total price etc.
  • calculating the income of selected types of orders

Main view, with all the orders listed. On the right side, shortcuts to view the details of the order, add new product to the order and edit or remove the order itself.
1. Ability to enable/disable email confirmation and text confirmation.
2. Email FROM, name, and option to set how many records should be printed on one page (pagination).
3. Copy of the email and text that is being sent to the Client.
Statuses of the product to be applied via the drop down menu.
Each change to the status is being recorded and both, the service man and the client can view the history of the changes.
Edition: here, ability to assign projected date when the product will be repaired.
Edition: here, finishing the repair and setting details of the warranty
Adding new product to the order.
Preview of the warranty. The PDF version is being created on the fly.
Sales statement. This is fully automatic, checking the dates and printing proper info in given month/year.
Client view (front-end)
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Wordpress I've lately been using:
  • Wordpress
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • jQuery

Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 26+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.