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Discover our curated selection of WordPress plugins meticulously designed to elevate the functionality of your website. From bolstering security and optimizing SEO to enriching the user experience, our plugins are tailored to simplify various aspects of WordPress site management.
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This plugin allows you to add custom agreement selectable checkboxes to the Registration Form of your online store. You can define which checkboxes are mandatory to be checked/selected in order to register a new account. The plugin features also a double password validation, which adds an extra field that prompts an User to repeat his/her password.
Already registered users can see the form right underneath their “account details” and the plugin forces them to check the mandatory checkboxes as well upon saving their details.
Displays an image of a cookie and requires you to link it with the Cookie Policy page (available from a dropdown menu) in the Admin area, so as a result an User has two options: shut down the info about the cookie (for seven days) and / or read the cookie policy.
A simple form that could be displayed on the sidebars or any part of footer area. It consists of the usual three input fields: name, email and the message. Emails are automatically sent to the WP Admin address. If you want to, you can also add the form to any post or page by using a shortcode: [gbsimple_contact_us_widget style=”color_filter”]. Available color filters: red, green, blue, white or black.
Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 26+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.
I've implemented language version feature, ready for additional languages, based on URL modification. Doesn't rely on cookies or sessions and is available via a /{lang} modifier. More about languages
Zaimplementowałem wersję językową, gotową na dodanie kolejnych języków, opartą na modyfikacji URL, która nie korzysta z plików cookie ani sesji. Wersja językowa dostępna jest przez modyfikator /{język}. Więcej o językach