CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete.
The PDO version of the CRUD operations
First, you need to initiate the DB connection:
$DBcon = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
catch(PDOException $e)
echo 'ERROR : '.$e->getMessage();
die('Something went wrong.');
And then use it! View MySQL CRUD operation for details.
* Class PDO_Actions
* A class for performing common PDO database actions.
class PDO_Actions {
* @var PDO $DBcon The PDO instance used for database operations.
private $DBcon;
* Constructor method that initializes the PDO_Actions object with a PDO instance.
* @param PDO $DBcon The PDO instance to be used for database operations.
public function __construct(PDO $DBcon) {
$this->DBcon = $DBcon;
* Inserts records into the specified database table.
* @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
* @param array $t_records Associative array of column-value pairs to be inserted.
function insert_2_db($t_table, $t_records)
$count = 0;
$yet_another_array = array();
foreach ($t_records as $key => $val)
if ($count === 0) {
$t_db_fields = $key;
$t_db_fields_with_colon = ':'.$key;
if ($val === '') $t_values = "''"; else $t_values = "'" . $val . "'";
else {
$t_db_fields .= ", " . $key;
$t_db_fields_with_colon .= ', ' . ':'.$key;
if ($val === '') $t_values .= ", ''"; else $t_values .= ", '" . $val . "'";
$yet_another_array[':'.$key] = $val;
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $t_table . " (" . $t_db_fields . ") VALUES (" . $t_db_fields_with_colon . ")";
$pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare( $sql );
$pdo_statement->execute( $yet_another_array );
* Retrieves and returns a single value from the database based on the specified conditions.
* @param string $co Column name from which to retrieve the value.
* @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
* @param string $t_condition (Optional) Additional conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
* @param string $ekstra (Optional) Additional query options.
* @return mixed The retrieved value.
function print_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition='', $ekstra='')
$q = $this->select_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition, $ekstra);
foreach($q as $row) {
return $row[$co];
* Retrieves and returns selected data from the database based on the specified conditions.
* @param string $co Column name(s) to be selected.
* @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
* @param string $t_condition (Optional) Additional conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
* @param string $ekstra (Optional) Additional query options.
* @return array An array of associative arrays representing the selected rows.
function select_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition='', $ekstra='')
$t_condition = ($t_condition !== '') ? ' WHERE ' . $t_condition : '';
$ekstra = ($ekstra !== '') ? ' ' . $ekstra : '';
$pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("SELECT " . $co . " FROM " . $t_table . $t_condition . $ekstra);
return $pdo_statement->fetchAll();
* Updates records in the specified database table based on the given conditions.
* @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
* @param array $t_records Associative array of column-value pairs to be updated.
* @param string $t_condition Conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
function update_db($t_table, $t_records, $t_condition)
$count = 0;
foreach ($t_records as $key => $val)
if ($count === 0) {
$t_db_fields = $key . " = '" . $val . "'";
else {
$t_db_fields .= ", " . $key . " = '" . $val . "'";
$pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("UPDATE " . $t_table . " SET " . $t_db_fields . " WHERE " . $t_condition . "");
* Deletes records from the specified database table based on the given conditions.
* @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
* @param string $t_condition Conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
function delete_from_db($t_table, $t_condition)
$pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("DELETE from " . $t_table . " WHERE " . $t_condition . "");
Somewhere in your code you need to activate the class:
$action = new PDO_Actions($DBcon);
Example usage:
$q = $action->select_from_db('*', 'table', 'column = ' . $variable );
And that's all!
Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 26+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.
I've implemented language version feature, ready for additional languages, based on URL modification. Doesn't rely on cookies or sessions and is available via a /{lang} modifier. More about languages
Zaimplementowałem wersję językową, gotową na dodanie kolejnych języków, opartą na modyfikacji URL, która nie korzysta z plików cookie ani sesji. Wersja językowa dostępna jest przez modyfikator /{język}. Więcej o językach