Displaying and editing checkboxes

A function to generate checkboxes for selecting options from a provided array. While adding a new entry to the database, the result will be a string with array's options separated by a comma, e.g., "1,5,9" or "high,low,middle" therefore, you need to set a DB column to be VARCHAR or anything of that type.

The Function

The function serves three purposes:

  1. Display checkboxes while adding a new entry to the database.
  2. Display checkboxes with pre-selected options while editing entries.
  3. Print out regular content (string) on the website while presenting data grabbed from the database.

 * Print out checkboxes for selecting options.
 * This function generates checkboxes for selecting options from a provided array.
 * It also checks the checkboxes if the option IDs are present in the $dbEntry string.
 * @param string $name The name attribute for the checkboxes.
 * @param array $checkboxArray An associative array of option IDs and names.
 * @param bool $printCheckbxs (Optional) Indicates whether to print checkboxes or just output names.
 * @param string $dbEntry (Optional) A comma-separated string of option IDs stored in the database.
 *               If provided, checkboxes for corresponding option IDs will be checked.
function printCheckboxes($name, $checkboxArray, $printCheckbxs = true, $dbEntry = '')
    // If $dbEntry is not empty, parse it into an array of option IDs
    $array_ids = !empty($dbEntry) ? explode(',', $dbEntry) : [];

    // Get the keys of the checkbox array
    $checkboxKeys = array_keys($checkboxArray);

    // Initialize an array to store option names (if $printCheckbxs = false)
    if (!$printCheckbxs) {
        $justNames = [];

    // Iterate over each option in the checkbox array
    foreach ($checkboxArray as $output_id => $output_name) {

        // Check if the option ID is in the $array_ids array
        $checked = in_array($output_id, $array_ids) ? 'checked' : '';

        if ($printCheckbxs) {
            // Create a checkbox for the option
            echo '<label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $output_id . '" ' . $checked . '> ' . $output_name . '</label>';
        } else {
            // Store the option name for later use
            $justNames[] = $checked ? $output_name : '';

    // If not printing checkboxes, output the names separated by commas
    if (!$printCheckbxs) {
        // Filter out empty names and concatenate them with commas
        $names = array_filter($justNames);
        echo implode(', ', $names);


Adding a new entry:

// Function call to generate checkboxes
printCheckboxes('features', $featuresArr, true);

Editing an existing entry:

// Generating checkboxes with pre-selected options based on the $row['features'] array retrieved from the SQL query.
printCheckboxes('features', $featuresArr, true, $row['features']);

Printing results from the database:

// Print regular content (string) based on database data
printCheckboxes('features', $featuresArr, false, $row['features']);

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Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 25+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.