PHP Class - Database operations (PDO)

CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete.

The PDO version of the CRUD operations

First, you need to initiate the DB connection:

     $DBcon = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
 catch(PDOException $e)
     echo 'ERROR : '.$e->getMessage();
     die('Something went wrong.');

And then use it! View MySQL CRUD operation for details.

 * Class PDO_Actions
 * A class for performing common PDO database actions.
class PDO_Actions {

     * @var PDO $DBcon The PDO instance used for database operations.
    private $DBcon;

     * Constructor method that initializes the PDO_Actions object with a PDO instance.
     * @param PDO $DBcon The PDO instance to be used for database operations.
    public function __construct(PDO $DBcon) {
       $this->DBcon = $DBcon;

     * Inserts records into the specified database table.
     * @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
     * @param array $t_records Associative array of column-value pairs to be inserted.
    function insert_2_db($t_table, $t_records)
        $count = 0;
        $yet_another_array = array();

        foreach ($t_records as $key => $val)
            if ($count === 0) {
              $t_db_fields = $key;
              $t_db_fields_with_colon = ':'.$key;
              if ($val === '') $t_values = "''"; else $t_values = "'" . $val . "'";
            else {
              $t_db_fields .= ", " . $key;
              $t_db_fields_with_colon .= ', ' . ':'.$key;
              if ($val === '') $t_values .= ", ''"; else $t_values .= ", '" . $val . "'";
        $yet_another_array[':'.$key] = $val;

        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $t_table . " (" . $t_db_fields . ") VALUES (" . $t_db_fields_with_colon . ")";
        $pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare( $sql );
        $pdo_statement->execute( $yet_another_array );

     * Retrieves and returns a single value from the database based on the specified conditions.
     * @param string $co Column name from which to retrieve the value.
     * @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
     * @param string $t_condition (Optional) Additional conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
     * @param string $ekstra (Optional) Additional query options.
     * @return mixed The retrieved value.
    function print_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition='', $ekstra='')
        $q = $this->select_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition, $ekstra);
        foreach($q as $row) {
            return $row[$co];

     * Retrieves and returns selected data from the database based on the specified conditions.
     * @param string $co Column name(s) to be selected.
     * @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
     * @param string $t_condition (Optional) Additional conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
     * @param string $ekstra (Optional) Additional query options.
     * @return array An array of associative arrays representing the selected rows.
    function select_from_db($co, $t_table, $t_condition='', $ekstra='')
        $t_condition = ($t_condition !== '') ? ' WHERE ' . $t_condition : '';
        $ekstra = ($ekstra !== '') ? ' ' . $ekstra : '';

        $pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("SELECT " . $co . " FROM " . $t_table . $t_condition . $ekstra);
        return $pdo_statement->fetchAll();

     * Updates records in the specified database table based on the given conditions.
     * @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
     * @param array $t_records Associative array of column-value pairs to be updated.
     * @param string $t_condition Conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
    function update_db($t_table, $t_records, $t_condition)
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_records as $key => $val)
            if ($count === 0) {
                $t_db_fields = $key . " = '" . $val . "'";
            else {
                $t_db_fields .= ", " . $key . " = '" . $val . "'";

        $pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("UPDATE " . $t_table . " SET " . $t_db_fields . " WHERE " . $t_condition . "");

     * Deletes records from the specified database table based on the given conditions.
     * @param string $t_table Name of the target database table.
     * @param string $t_condition Conditions for the SQL WHERE clause.
    function delete_from_db($t_table, $t_condition)
      $pdo_statement = $this->DBcon->prepare("DELETE from " . $t_table . " WHERE " . $t_condition . "");

Somewhere in your code you need to activate the class:

$action = new PDO_Actions($DBcon);

Example usage:

$q = $action->select_from_db('*', 'table', 'column = ' . $variable );

And that's all!

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Summary: Font-end and Back-end developer, also designer with 25+ years of experience. Currently based in Poland. Eligible to work in the US (US Social Security Number holder) for any employer on W2 / 1099 basis. Utilizes both technical skills and designing aptitude. Lived and worked in Europe, Australia and North America.